Many Mexican restaurants have a menu longer than a CVS receipt, making it almost impossible to decide what you want. Mexican food has so many options and variations that including all of them takes pages and pages. At California Burritos, we appreciate the variety Mexican food has to offer, but we also appreciate simplicity. That’s why we stick to the basics. Although there’s still plenty of variety on our menu, it won’t take you twenty minutes to read. We have some specialty items on our menu, but most of it is dedicated to the three must-haves of Mexican food: burritos, tacos, and quesadillas.
What makes these three items the MVPs of Mexican food? Read on, and we’ll explain!
Everyone likes burritos. They’re the perfect food. A burrito is a complete meal you can eat on the go or sit down and savor. A warm tortilla filled with rice, beans, meat, veggies, and cheese—it’s the complete package. Take it to the next level by adding salsa, guacamole, or sour cream. But the best thing about burritos is that they’re customizable. Pick what you like and ditch what you don’t. No matter what you like, there’s a burrito for you.
Tacos and burritos go together because they include a lot of the same ingredients. Tortillas (though smaller), meat, cheese, beans, veggies…the list goes on. While tacos are a little less portable than burritos because they can be a little messy, they’re even more versatile in their own way. When you order tacos, you don’t have to make them all the same. Mix up your proteins with chicken, carnitas, or fish.
The easiest kids’ snack in the world is also one of the go-to Mexican dishes. To make a quesadilla, you only need two things: a tortilla and some cheese. And while cheese melted inside a tortilla is delicious, you don’t have to stop there. Add beans, chicken, veggies, or salsa to turn this quick snack into a full meal.
Don’t Overthink Your Mexican Food. Come to California Burritos!
Although burritos, tacos, and quesadillas aren’t the only items on our menu, they do account for quite a bit of it. Getting Mexican food right isn’t about having countless options on the menu. It’s about using authentic ingredients and flavors and getting it right. Come to California Burritos to taste the difference!